Tuesday, April 27

Group Lessons

Saturday was full of hectic feuds and rushing to the next place. Greg had state competitions, then we had piano lessons. After Greg was done with his performance at state we had to get to Mrs. C's by 12 and of course we leave the bag at home. WE then rush home for the bag and go strait to her house. The lesson went bad to say the least. I was not having a steady beat and Greg was playing, well, playing like he had practiced, shocking. Mrs. C then informed that
"Monday we are going to have a group lesson at 6, now practice"
ON the days in between We practice, a.k.a Greg saying
"Angie can you count", pushing me away from the bench, and me making him take his own chair.
Group Lesson day comes with anxious thought covered by the look of hoping to be last. Group lesson happens when a recital is coming up where she has us do our piece for everyone else and the other kids critic the others.
Mrs C now calls me dwight, greg Phylis, and wants to be called Pam but Greg and I have decided she's more of a Jan (sorry Mrs. C if you don't like) and our friend from piano Ally who we saw their is more like a pam.
Our mother, Sharon, was asked by Mrs. C if she could stay and give pointers to the players. WE came in a little late but we hadn't started so it was fine. Before we even started she makes Greg give an example of a bow that we're supposed to do after we perform. Greg surpasses Mrs. C's hope for all that a bow could be and she says
"well that was actually good."
Ally went first with an easy piece much easier than what her talent can do, she just needed a piece that would be ready for the recital which is now in 18 days. After another few people went and did a sloppy bow which most of them had to redo Bert a.k.a "Fez" comes in with a sassy attitude sweeping his hair and fixing his american eagle shirt. He goes and plays this fairly hard piece, has a few hiccups during the piece but still, overall well. He get up to bow and does a bow where he looks like he's punching his gut when bowing and sits down for comments when we were still clapping, and says
"kay comments?"
Greg decides to confront him with how low his hands were saying
"I thought it was good but your hands were super low, like to the point where I thought they were touching the keys"
Fez just replays "kay thanks" and goes back up to his chair. Another person goes up plays, then another is about to go up when Mrs. C sees Bert texting on his phone a says "you know, you're not allowed to text during group lesson."
Fez replies "whatever"
IN shock  our mouths drop, then suddenly she says "how about a duet?" Now in a sudden whirlwind we go up there. We had a poem before our piece that explains the imagery of the piece. I say the poem with an expressive voice and sit. we start to play in we got through the piece with not a lot of mistakes but Greg giving me dirty looks the hole way through. Then comments come  and a girl who played piano at state says "I thought it had a good balance but don't give each other dirty looks."
The same girl who gave us the comments went up and played beutifly and my mother decides to ask her how much she practices making sure that we are listening.
Once the hole lesson is over we try to leave as fast as we can but Sharon decides to talk to Mrs. C about how we did. Greg spent his time talking to Ally and me eavesdropping. Another day of piano, another day used well.

Monday, March 15

♥ The office ♥/First Post Facts (FPF)

While at our regular piano lesson, we always get side tracked with the greatest show ever called The Office. When we were talking about it I remembered that I had sheet music for the theme of the office and I hatched a plan. The next week I brought it in as I BIG  surprise, but of course i hadn't practiced it so then when it was my turn to play and I told I had a surprise  and I showed her the beacon of glory I generally felt that she should play it as a teacher, and highly developed pianist (but I didn't say so). I stumble through most all of the piece and Greg just starts to sneer in a way that I think we all know and says "good job Ang your wrecking the piece"
I did not respond but kept on going begging for it to be over while my left hand would still push on the keys (which were mainly flats) in shame for the next twelve measures. My brother still felt the need to tell me how much of a disappointment I am and said "wow Mrs. C must love you for brining in this piece"
At this point I was at the bring of anger where in I turn around and in a temperamental voice I say "shut up!"
by the end I was laughing to keep from crying, but as Mrs.C always does she makes it better and says that was nice how about we have a jolly rancher (which she always does when she sees that this is going to be a big job, she's hungry, or when where all tired of playing and need an excuse for a break. 
While passing the Jollies out she asks"can I have it to play?"
I didn't really care because I had two copies of it and I don't play it a lot, so I just say "sure." 
But of course my brother says "yes, then you'll stop playing it."
Coming toward the end of my part of the lesson she asks if I want to play a duet with Greg for the recital, I say "yes" because I know it would be good to have a solo and a duet for the piano. Greg then burst our "I want first part"
I didn't really care, but when  started practicing I saw that every single beat for the second part was three-five part harmony, while Greg's part was only two part right hand one and left hand one. This was all okay because that just means I will get better than him which I'm fine with. What I dislike is that the day we usually have lessons is on Monday but since Greg didn't practice his part at all he asked Mrs. C to postpone it to Wednesday, which means that we'll only hive 4 days to practice the new parts. But bye the end of the lesson I felt fairly good about how it went.
First Post Facts:

  • We've talked about doing this for awhile and I've just been proactive about it and started with it. 
  • sometimes Mrs. C tries to show us how a new piece is supposed to be played and finds someone on youtube playing it well, and we've found some pretty strange people There is one in particular that will be linked to this post.
  • There is also going to be a link from my facebook to the blog for people to check it out, and see how we're doing in piano 
  • I will also give some recitals times friends and family to see whats happening.
  • we're going to try and make this a weekly thing
  • What my brother is playing for a recital and showed to Mrs. C
Have a good day Thanks for reading